Monday, August 22, 2011


## Nova upped his record to 13-4, with a strong 7 inning shut-out against the Twins yesterday. I believe the only reason he shouldn't be the #2 starter is his inexperience, especially in post-season play.

## The inside-the-park home run is one of the most exciting plays in baseball. It's also exciting to see whether the hitter can walk back to the dugout under his own power afterwards. Granderson did both yesterday.

## Sometimes the best decision is the one you don't make. Girardi was sorely tempted to bring in Soriano in the 8th inning yesterday, after Roberson loaded the bases with two outs. As they stated on ESPN, Girardi had "phone issues" in the dugout and couldn't get thru to the bullpen in time to make a change. Annie-O didn't understand this until I explained to her that they didn't say "phony shoes," as she thought. Oh, that's very different.

## To put the Granderson homer in perspective, Jason Varitek, who couldn't win a race against a three-legged horse, actually hit a triple yesterday...and had trouble getting to his feet at third base. Afterwards, he was quoted as saying, "That didn't feel good."

## Joe Torre is trying to ease the tension between the umpires and the players. He got involved in the situation where the Royals hit a home run that should have been called a double but the umpires didn't know the ground rules. Torre's idea is to maintain consistency in the umpiring and he did just that. He did nothing. I can understand mistakes on judgement calls, but not on mistakes concerning the rules. Dana Demuth's crew should have been fined or suspended, but Joe refused to take any kind of stand. Doesn't he realize that this is why the umpires feel that they don't have to answer to anybody?

"Researchers have found the brains of frequent tanners are comparable to those of alcoholics. From now on, I’m putting SPF 30 on my beer cans." -- Cam Hutchinson
"Rex Ryan's mouth officially opened for 2012 season." -- The
"A Miami booster's claims he showered football players with cash and prostitutes: "So far the allegations haven't hurt recruiting. Charlie Sheen just signed a letter of intent." --Brad Dickson
"Coincidence? Eli Manning proclaims to be in the same QB stratosphere as Tom Brady just days before the premiere of "Idiot Brother." -- Dwight Perry
"Alex Rodriguez, still not talking to the media about those poker allegations, went 0-3 in his second minor league rehab start. A-Rod said he wasn't complaining about his performance, and was just playing the hand he was dealt." -- Janice Hough
"Supermodel Gisele Bundchen said in a recent interview she was athletic growing up and the captain of her volleyball team. No surprise really; she is still all over the net." -- RJ Currie


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