Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Meye MissSteak

After a fine few days in the Weha visiting our youngest and celebrating 45 years of married bliss, it’s blog day. Oh well, somebody has to read it.

Let’s see what we have.

Chad found a typo. Good for him. Now, isn’t he special?

Here's a surprise. An umpire rant! It’s about time someone took the blue man group to task. I suppose it’s hardly mentioning that if a player chooses to throw a foot-stomping hissy fit at home plate arguing balls and strikes he should not be shocked if the umpire exercises the rules and throws his sorry butt out.

I did enjoy this line of argument: “When a player argues a call, how can you tell if he's mad at the ump or himself?”

No doubt Carl Crawford’s comments went something like this. “Gosh darn it. I am so upset and frustrated that I was too blind to recognize that several of the pitches you called strikes were, indeed, just that. Heavens, how could I have taken those pitches? Golly, I’ll bet my mother is sorry she gave birth to such a silly boy. I’m so frustrated with my inability to recognize a strike when I see one I’m just going to stamp my foot and return to the bench. Have a nice evening.”

Ah, and the mandatory Manny comment. If D. Jeter rather than Manny got nine hits in his last ten games that would be news. Good news.

Now, before all Yankee loyalists join Picasner in the bowels of despair and start sipping Kool-Aid over last night’s loss… don’t sweat the small stuff. Both the Yankees and Rays will make the playoffs – where games that matter are played. Home field in the playoffs is nice but no one cares if you win the division and lose in the playoffs. And, as you all know, the universal measure of Yankee success is a World Series title.

Believe me, I have encouraged Joe Girardi to send Gaudin, well, anywhere, and if you must keep him, at least change his first name so that when I refer to “Chad” as useless trash no one confuses him with Our Very Own. As for Mitre, no words need be wasted. Given the uncertainty of the Yankee starting pitching, Joe had best not burn up a bullpen that the boys will need in the second season. Robertson and Chamberlain, who lead the team in appearances and have both pitched in approximately 40% of the last 16 games, were given a night off. I was pleased to see that Girardi refuses to channel Joe Torre. Last night’s loss was no big whoop.

Have a cannolo, relax, and save your suffering for the post-season.

Finally, if there are spelling, grammatical, or syntax errors, errors of omission or commission, errors in judgment, infield errors, throwing errors, approximation errors, statistical errors, refractive errors, error messages, errors of the first kind, errors of the second kind, bloopers, blunders, boo-boos, defects, faults, fluffs, lapses, mistakes, slips, or even a faux pas in the above… see the previous paragraph.


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