Wednesday, September 01, 2010


I've been a little sad this year because baseball is losing two managers: Lou Piniella and Bobby Cox. While both men are noted for their managerial abilty, they also have another distinction. They are two of the best umpire baiters in baseball.
While Bobby Cox' ejections lacked the histrionics of Sweet Lou, Earl Weaver or Billy Martin, he apparently knew all the "magic words," holding the Major League record for ejections with 157, 26 more than 2nd place John McGraw at 131.
Lou Piniella doesn't have the numbers but he holds the distance records for kicking baseball caps and throwing bases.
Yes, their loss leaves a huge void in the entertainment end of the game, but take heart. There is a rumor that former Met Wally Backman is being considered as a replacement for current manager Jerry Manuel. I think he will fill the gap nicely as this 5 minute video will show. Be advised, this video contains some (actually, a lot) of harsh language.


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