Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Damon (and Scott Boras) are pushing hard on the Detroit Tigers, who happen to be the only team left that will return phone calls. Johnny says he will, "...make the Tigers a winner. Remember, I said that when I went to Boston and when I went to the Yankees, and they both won." Maybe that's why Damon can't throw; he hurt his arm patting himself on the back (Where's Boras when you really need him?).

The announcers can't just describe the highlights; they have to entertain and 'trash talk,' too.
Here are some of the phrases they've used, some of which make NO sense.
1/30 - "Boom-Dizzle" (Describing a dunk) Boom-dizzle?
"Engine, engine #9" (a fast break)
2/1 - "Bartender, gimmee one on ice" (A hockey goal - okay, this one's got some merit)
2/3 - "Cowboy, brother" (Another dunk)
I think they're drinking a little too much Red Bull during the breaks.

Providence's game plan was obviously to try and shut down Syracuse's three-point shooters. They did but extended their defense out so far that the Orange big men went crazy underneath. Onuaku and Joseph shot a combined 19-23. The bad news is Onuaku and Jackson cannot shoot free throws. They were 0-6 last night and got a cheer from the crowd whenever they just hit the rim. If you can spare the fouls, this might be the only way to beat this team. The good news is that Wes Johnson is sore but okay after taking a hard fall last night. He sat out most of the 2nd half 'cause they didn't need him. Boeheim expects to be off the oxygen today.

The Twins are trying to sign him up long term before he declares for free agency. Negotiations have been going on for a while. When asked why it was taking so long, Mgr Ron Gardenhire replied, "Well, they can't decide whether to give him Minneapolis or St. Paul." He'll probably end up with both.

We're getting close to spring training and some of the Yankees are already working out in preparation. Sabathia has been light-tossing, Jeter has been jogging, and Nick Johnson has been practicing pulling up lame.


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