Friday, October 16, 2009


Buster Olney, normally a very good analyst, has fallen into the 'Monday Morning Quarterback' pit. How many times have we heard the analyst on TV broadcasts say, "You can't keep throwing the same pitch to major league hitters, time after time after time. They will hit it eventually. You have to change up." Well, see what Buster has to say now:

"Mysterious pitch selection also didn't help Hamels' efforts. After retiring Manny Ramirez in both of his first two plate appearances almost entirely on fastballs (12 of 15 pitches Manny saw in his first two ABs were fastballs), Hamels surprisingly altered his game plan for Manny's third at-bat. Hamels threw him three consecutive changeups, the third of which landed in the left-center bleachers."

So you can't keep throwing the same pitch and you can't change your pitch selection. What's left? Hit the batter? Wild pitches? Keep throwing to first until you pick someone off? Come on, Buster, who do you think you are? Joe Morgan?

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