Tuesday, December 23, 2008


This is the way George used to do it. Lay in the weeds till everyone relaxes, then...BANG!, signing the big player like a bully stealing your ice cream. Big money day even for the Yanks: $22.5 mil for Tex, $26.5 mil for the luxury tax. We can now expect the other teams to start howling about all the money the Yanks are spending, all the while pocketing their share of the luxury tax instead of spending it on their own team.

Now the speculation starts on Manny. The Angels say no way, obviously Boston is out and the Dodgers are silent. Manny in NY is becoming more and more of a possibility. Cashman says no way, but how can you believe him now? Steven A. Smith is demanding that the Yanks sign him, saying a powerhouse NY team is what baseball needs. Of course, Smith's commentary has always generated more heat than light.

If they do sign Manny, however, even Picasner will walk around with a bag over his head.

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